A number of Tasmanian riders have crossed Bass Strait to campagin at a range of shows with the feature event being the Australian Showjumping Championships
which is to be conducted this weekend September Saturday 15 to Sunday 18.
Those travelled are
Breanna Triffet, Alysha Verwey, Mykaela Briggs, Jess Price, Amanda Cameron, Holly Gudsell, Johnathon Jackson
For some their camapgin started at Sale then moved to Boneo Cup last weekend. A spectaluar venue and whilst rain made conditions difficult the show went on.
Tasmanian riders had great succuss with many placing in there events amongst large feilds. Congratulations to each on their success.
They have all now made the move to Werribee Park.
Wet weather continues to take it's toll across Victoria. ASJC committee today announced a delay in the start of competition to Friday on all main grass arenas.
Ring 4 has been moved indoor and will commence a revised schedule tomorrow at 8am.
Tasmania is proud to have a Young Rider Team competing in the 2016 Your Rider teams Titles. Congratultions to Jessica Price, Mykaela Briggs and Alysha Verwey we wish you well on your campaign and thank you for representing our state. Team Manager is Nicki Brown. All YR teams were tonight, Wednesday 14 attending a dinner hosted by Equestrian Victoria with guest speaker Gavin Chester.
ASJC offers live streaming so follow their Facebook Page for more details.