Casa Real Perpetual Trophy

Donated by Luiz C. Menezes in the memory of his Andalusian stallion Casa Real. 

The trophy is awarded to the best performed warmblood based on the highest average percentage of the two best official tests ridden.

It was whilst living and working with his mentor coach in Portugal that Luiz was introduced to the Andalusian and Lusitano Breeds. He was the owner of the first Andalusian stallion in Tasmania which he trained for competition work and his own leisure pleasure. The stallion was Casa Real. 

Luiz worked in France as a coach, having completed his United Kingdom coaching credentials: B.H.S.A.I. and B.H.S.I. He then immigrated to Australia early in 1970 and gained his Australian coaching credentials, N.C.A.S., E.F.A. II, Pony Club Coach and Coach Educator.

Luiz established Cheval Equitation in the late 70's. He also worked for adult education for over 20 years introducing leisure pleasure riding to residents of Kingborough and surrounding areas.

Sadly, Luiz passed away aged 65 on 22nd of July 2015.

1994 Jill Schwartz St Nicholas
1995 Judy Peel Birribi Sprout
1996 Judy Peel Birribi Sprout
1997 Alison Watson Northern Toola
1998 Pia Nowell One Jarramas
1999  Pia Nowell One Jarramas
2000 Judy Peel Sunbury Lodge Playwright
2001 Cheryl Lawrence Precizion
2003 Frances Saner AEA Flanders
2004 Alison Watson Woodmount Fuego
2005 Sally Latona Fibonacci
2006 Helen Hazell Argo (owned by H. Hazell & P. Brown)
2007 Bernadette Gibson Jaybee Carillion
2008 Lydia Jackson Splendido
2009 Lydia Jackson Splendido
2010 Bernadette Gibson Neversfelde Raphael
2011 Karen Allen DVZ Goodwill
2012 Bernadette Gibson Neversfelde Raphael
2013 Lydia Jackson Flashazz
2014 Lydia Jackson DVZ Goodwill (owned by K. Allen)
2015 Jo Pickett Bloomfield Royal Compliment
2016 Lydia Jackson Malteaser R
2017 Kerrie Swan-Bates Solitaire Diamond
2018 Lydia Jackson Malteaser R
2019 Caitlin Radford MS Cocktail
2020 Linda Smink Clearview Francesca
2024 Linda Smink Clearview Springsteen
2025 Abbey Sultan HV Feuertanzer