DRESSAGE CD Judges Seminar
FLYER: CD_Seminar_25June2016.pdf
NOAS Education Seminar C and D Levels Saturday 25 June 2016
‘Bunjarra’, 341 Applebys Road, Thirlstane, Tasmania kindly hosted by Sue Lamont
Conducted by
Jane Ventura – FEI 4*, A level, YH Judge, Judge Educator, and Mentor
This seminar is open to all Dressage judges, all riders and anyone else who is interested
This seminar will aim to provide education and an opportunity for discussion between judges to find the standard for their assessment of dressage tests. The seminar can be used for re-accreditation purposes for C and D level judges
***Free to attend for Dressage Tasmania members, $25 non members***
Registrations close on 15 June with Suzanne at [email protected] Tea/Coffee will be provided – and Soup and a roll for lunch
Notes for attendees:
Please bring your 2016 rulebook, notepaper, pen & clip board, a chair, sunscreen, hat, warm clothes and a water bottle!
This can be ‘counted’ as a re-accreditation Seminar for C and D Level Judges ... it can be ‘counted’ as a workshop for all other Levels. It can also be used to upgrade to C or D Levels!
Further details provided to those who register.