Our Structure
State Dressage Authority (SDA) Committee
The SDA is made up of 7 elected members from across the State. The SDA oversees dressage in Tasmania on a strategic level, with the three geographical zones and the Judges Education Panel reporting to this committee.
>> To view previous AGM minutes click here
Judy Atkinson - Chair |
[email protected] or 0424 022 558 |
Sue Lamont - Vice Chair |
Alana Fazackerley - Secretary |
Allison Hall - Treasurer |
Tania Hay - ETas Representative |
Pene Moore- General Committee |
Heather Stewart - General Committee |
Northern Branch
The Northern branch is based at the Thirlstane dressage grounds in Port Sorell.
Judy Atkinson - Chair |
Sue Lamont - Vice Chair |
Megan Whalley - Secretary |
Jayne Blyth - Treasurer |
General Committee: Jess van der Vlist, Jayne Blyth, Alana Fazackerley, Teresa Darcy, Judy Harding and Maryann Smink |
Monthly meetings are held in Launceston - all welcome.
Southern Branch
The Southern branch is based at the Tasmanian Equestrian Centre, Lauderdale.
Jill Suban - Chair |
Gill von Bertouch - Vice Chair |
Katherine Drake - Treasurer |
Jill Suban - Minutes Secretary |
General Committee: Sue McDermott, Tammy Cunningham, Jenny Wilson, Chloe Amos, Jill Schwartz
Monthly meetings are open to members, contact Suanne to rsvp.
North West Branch
The North West branch is based at the Thirlstane dressage grounds in Port Sorell.
Penelope Moore - President |
0448 387 864 |
Linda Smink - Vice President |
Jodie Towns - Secretary |
Annika Lockwood - Treasurer |
General Committee: Rose & Paul Kemp, Penny Higgins, Caitlin Radford, Kenya Broad. |
Meetings are generally held 2nd Wednesday of the month, contact Penelope on 0448 387 864 in regards to meetings.