Our Structure & Committees

Our Structure


State Dressage Authority (SDA) Committee

The SDA is made up of 7 elected members from across the State. The SDA oversees dressage in Tasmania on a strategic level, with the three geographical zones and the Judges Education Panel reporting to this committee.

 >>     To view previous AGM minutes click here

Judy Atkinson - Chair 


[email protected] or 0424 022 558

Sue Lamont - Vice Chair


[email protected]

Alana Fazackerley  - Secretary


[email protected]

Allison Hall - Treasurer


[email protected]

Tania Hay - ETas Representative


[email protected]

Pene Moore- General Committee


[email protected]

Heather Stewart - General Committee


[email protected]


Northern Branch

The Northern branch is based at the Thirlstane dressage grounds in Port Sorell.

Judy Atkinson - Chair

[email protected]

Sue Lamont - Vice Chair

[email protected]

Megan Whalley - Secretary

[email protected]

Jayne Blyth - Treasurer

[email protected]

General Committee:  Jess van der Vlist, Jayne Blyth, Alana Fazackerley, Teresa Darcy, Judy Harding and Maryann Smink

[email protected]

Monthly meetings are held in Launceston - all welcome.


Southern Branch

The Southern branch is based at the Tasmanian Equestrian Centre, Lauderdale.

Jill Suban - Chair


[email protected] 


Gill von Bertouch - Vice Chair


[email protected]

Katherine Drake - Treasurer


[email protected]

Jill Suban - Minutes Secretary


 [email protected]

General Committee: Sue McDermott, Tammy Cunningham, Jenny Wilson, Chloe Amos, Jill Schwartz


 [email protected]

Monthly meetings are open to members, contact Suanne to rsvp.


North West Branch

The North West branch is based at the Thirlstane dressage grounds in Port Sorell.

Penelope Moore - President

0448 387 864

[email protected]

Linda Smink - Vice President


[email protected]

Jodie Towns - Secretary


[email protected]

Annika Lockwood - Treasurer


[email protected]

General Committee: Rose & Paul Kemp, Penny Higgins, Caitlin Radford, Kenya Broad. 


[email protected]

Meetings are generally held 2nd Wednesday of the month, contact Penelope on 0448 387 864 in regards to meetings.