Tonnerre Perpetual Trophy
Donated by Barb Rowsell in memory of her Grand Prix champion gelding ‘Tonnerre’.
This trophy is donated to the winner of the highest FEI level test contested at the Dressage Tasmania State Championships. Bred in Tasmania and purchased for the grand total of $1,000, Tonnerre became the 9 x Tasmanian FEI Champion and 5 x Tasmanian Grand Prix Champion; competing across 5 different states with consistent results. Together, he and Barb could be seen frequently performing their Grand Prix freestyle at demonstration events across the state.
1997 | Maree Anderson | The Butler |
1998 | A Matthew | Marcado |
1999 | Judy Peel | Birribi Sprout |
2000 | Judy Peel | Birribi Sprout |
2002 | Judy Peel | Birribi Sprout |
2003 | Judy Peel | Birribi Sprout |
2004 | Judy Peel | Birribi Sprout |
2005 | Cheryl Lawrence | Joint Masters |
2006 | Lydia Jackson | Precizion |
2007 | Lydia Jackson | Precizion |
2008 | Lydia Jackson | Precizion |
2009 | Karen Allen | Wisdom |
2010 | Sheelagh Beech | Landstein |
2011 | Cheryl Lawrence | Snowy River Blackwood |
2012 | Lydia Jackson | Splendido |
2013 | Lydia Jackson | Splendido |
2014 | Lydia Jackson | Splendido |
2015 | Miriam Coleman | Sunbury Lodge Toronto |
2016 | Lydia Jackson | Splendido |
2017 | Lydia Jackson | Splendido |
2018 | Helen Malcolm | Argo |
2019 | Meegan Daun | Sir Archiebald |
2020 | Meegan Daun | Sie Archiebald |
2024 | Breanna Turner | Carrera |
2025 | Breanna Turner | Carrera |