26th September 2017
2017 Marcus Oldham Australian Interschool Championships
Dates | Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th Sept 2017
Open to the Public | Everyone Welcome
Trading Hours 9am to 9pm Daily.
Four Days of NON-STOP EQUESTRIAN ACTION as Interschool teams, from around the country, compete for the Australian Championships Title and Individual Awards, across the disciplines of Show Jumping, Dressage, Eventing, Combined Training and Showhorse.
Offering Entertainment, Education, Retail and Great Food in the extensive Trade and Exhibition Precinct with leading Brands, offering Specials EXCLUSIVE to this Event.
Come and watch the Entertainment & Education Broadcast on the BIG SCREEN and enjoy a day out featuring Australia’s leading Interschool Equestrian Talent.
Levels of Competition
- Dressage - Prelim to Inter 1
- Show Jumping - 80cm to 1.20m
- Eventing - EvA80 to CNC 1*
- Combined training - 45cm Jump/Prelim to 95cm Jump/Prelim 1.3
- Showhorse - Showhorse, Show Hunter and Working Hunter classes for Primary and Secondary School.