NTEC Training Day
NTEC Training Day 24 Oct 15.pdf
NTEC is holding a training day on Saturday the 24th October, at Quercus Park coinciding with a working bee. Lessons will include cross country jumps and perhaps show jumps. Melinda Bramich will be the instructor.
Price: $40 per lesson with a $15 discount (per rider) if you are able to help at the working bee. You must be a paid member for the 2015/16 season.
Bring own refreshments, water for your horse and equipment for working bee. More information will be given on the work that needs doing when times for groups are circulated.
Email [email protected] to enter, with your preference of height (answer the below questions), and pay a direct deposit to:
BSB 067 014 Acc 28010658 to enter. Please make this payment with your reference being: TD24Oct your surname, and email a screen capture of the bank deposit receipt, or other evidence of the payment with your entry.
If also paying your 15/16 membership, please do that in a different direct deposit, naming that: Mem your surname, or post a check to the address given on the membership form on the FB website/ newsletters.