SH Nationals Fundraiser
Friday, July 1st at 7.30 p.m.
Guilford Young College Performing Arts Centre, Bowden Street, Glenorchy
In aid of the 2016 Tasmanian Show Horse Team, which will compete in December at the Australasian Show Horse & Rider Championships in Werribee, Victoria.
$20 per head, including a light supper
Drinks available for purchase, no BYO. Tables of up toTEN
Professional Quiz Master
Lucky Door prize, Silent Auctions, Raffle
Payment is to be made to
Rosemary Mann
Please use your name as a reference and also send through a payment receipt, with the names of who your tickets are for and an email
address to: [email protected]
Tickets will be emailed and are non-refundable Payments must be made by WEDNESDAY, 29TH JUNE
Enquiries: Rosemary Mann: 0419 822157
Invite all your friends, and may the best team win!