2024 Ball - Award Winners
It was a night of celebration at the 2024 ETAS Ball & Awards night. Congratulations to all the award receipients.
2023-24 Volunteer Recognition Awards
Congratulations and thank you to everyone who contribute by sacrificing their time for our sport to operate in Tasmania – you are greatly appreciated! Each year we celebrate a volunteer from each dressage Zone. This year the following were recipients of the Award:
- NW Zone: Alison Hall
- Northern Zone: Jess Midson
- Southern Zone: Jill Swartz
2023-24 Horse of the Year Awards
A full list to be released soon - watch this space
Show Horse
- Junior member of the year
Scarlett Halton - Senior member of the year
Jody Rybarczyk - Sportsmanship award on and off the arena
Kelly Mann
- Young Rider of the Year – Sportsmanship/Citizenship
George Furzer - Horse of the Year
Eliva Corduroy – Mackenzie Walch
Appreciation Awards- Decades of Service
- Narelle Rowlandson
- Jamie Buckby
- Junior Athlete Horse off the Year (rider under the age of 18 at the 1st of Jan)
PEC Granduer ridden by Chloe Daunn
- Senior Athlete Horse of the Year (rider over the age of 21 years)
LH Veruca ridden by Laura Johnson
- Young Rider Horse of the Year (rider age 16 to 21 year)
PEC Rambling Rose ridden by Chloe Daun
- Young Horse of the Year (horses aged 4 to 7 years)
PEC Fairytale - ridden by Chloe Daun
From Jumping North - this rider shows great sportsmanship. Often at events helping setup or backup. Great supporter of our younger equestrians helping them walk courses or warmup and had a great 2023 season on her horses.
Congratulations to Lucy Johnson
From Jumping North West - a rider that has show great perseverance. Challenging start with her horse and now developing into a wonderful team and was great to see them competing at the 2023 State Titles. Strong supporter of her club events and trainings. Very respectful of officials and volunteers at events.
Congratulations to Zara Conroy
From Jumping South - this rider has a lot of success in the competition ring, has a large team of horses. Still finds time to support her club days. She stepped up onto the South jumping committee and recently taken on the leadership role in that club as president.
Congratulations to Laura Edwards
From Jumping North - a person whom is a constant at events. Will give anything a go. May not even be riding at an event but still there helping, supporting, and encouraging. This person prior to paid medical at event carried the weight of being our medical support person for many years, often putting her riding aside to assist others.
Congratulations to Karen Mitchell
From Jumping South - a person that loves the sport of jumping. Has been a competitor but the last few years has not competed as much, still at events supporting family members but has been a very solid constant worker for her club. A reliable member of there team at times when not many are putting there hand up.
Congratulations to Gen Williams
From Jumping North West - a person that has had a very successful jumping career over the years. Travelled the state extensively to compete. Has kept her support and dedication for her local club very strong. Stepped into the position of secretary when the club was running very short on help and been part of the team to bring the club into stronger times. Hands on in all ways from organising, riding, pencilling the whole package.
Congratulations to Cathy Oliver
From Jumping Kingborough - a dedicated committee member and usually first on ground to start setting up at competitions. This person rides as well but always on course helping with course changes and pole stewarding and see the day out through to packup. Very encouraging of all competitors.
Congratulations to Sarah Coad