NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Tasmania on 02/08/2019.

Etas Agm 9th August 2019, 7.30pm TEC Lauderdale

Equestrian Tasmania Board 2019

IMPORTANT: Please take the time to read

Role of Equestrian Australia (EA)

The "governing bodies" of EA are the National Board, the Branches of EA., the National Sport Committees - NSCs (Dressage, Jumping, Eventing, Vaulting, Show Horse and Carriage Driving), the NCAS Committee and the National Office including the CEO

The Board of Equestrian Australia sets the overall policy and governs the National organisation. National Sport Committees develop and administer the sport-technical aspects of their respective Sport/"Discipline". The National Office, together with EA's Branch Offices, implements Board policy to provide the best possible range of services to the members of EA.

The National Office and State Branch offices have a small core of professional support. This core is supported by a huge number of volunteers, from board and committee members to officials, organisers, and helpers at events. It is the volunteers who make the equestrian sport work.


During the month of June nominations for vacant positions on the Tasmanian Board will be called positions available include.

1 Vacant Board Position – a 3-year term.

1 Vacant Riders Rep Position – a 3-year term.  

Due to Board positions being on a rotation ruling (as per our constitution) Chimene Deavin and Sue Lawrence ( Interim Riders Rep) will be required to stand down.  Both have played very influential roles on the board with considerable knowledge in the governance of sport.

The Riders Representative position at Board level requires an enthusiastic person preferably with knowledge in all sports to nominate.  

The ET Board requires nominations of people actively interested in the management and governance of the equestrian sport in Tasmania.  The Board meets approximately every 8 weeks in person or via email/ph hookup.  All correspondence is sent electronically to which some issues are also dealt this way through feedback.

The 3 Sport positions on the Board are nominated by our 3 FEI Sports Affiliates of Dressage, Eventing and Jumping. Contact your Sport Committee if you are interested in representing your sport.

A separate nomination form is needed for each nomination Please ensure that the correct nomination form is used for both Board Director and Rider Reps when nominating.                                                                       


 1608_BallotPaper 2019.pdf

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