Interschool News

At the end of September 2023, the Tasmanian Team headed to Werribee to attend the 2023 Australian Interschool Championship hosted by Equestrian Victoria.
The horses...

Thank you to everyone who applied to be part of the Tasmanian Interschool Championship Team, congratulations to the following riders and their horses.

Please find below a report from the 2017 Marcus Oldham Australian Interschool Championships, that took place in Towoomba (QLD) from Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th Sept...

Team announcement Toowoomba 2017.pdfTeam announcement Toowoomba 2017.pdfTeam announcement Toowoomba 2017.pdfTeam announcement Toowoomba 2017.pdf

Nominations for Interschool nationals to be held in Toowoomba in September 2017 will close on the 15th June. Any riders that want to be selected will need to have their...

The 2017 Equestrian Australian Interschool Championships
Toowoomba Showgrounds,
Toowoomba QLD
from Monday 25thSeptember to Friday 29th September 2017.
ETas Nomination...