1. 20 minute dressage ‘Test and Tells’ with qualified judges. This is your opportunity to practice your tests before the next competition, or if there is one movement that you can't quite master! Tests of choice will be on offer, so there will be ALL of the EA tests, just pick the one(s) you want to ride! 2014 EA Tests: Preparatory to Advanced, PSG, Inter 1 and YDH and above Inter 1 by request. As the Southern Spectacular will be the following weekend, freestyle tests will also be included in the Test & Tells! Make sure your freestyle is burned to a CD and ready to go so you can have a chance to have a run through before the competition. 2 test and tells can be booked if you think you might need back to back time to run through a test or your freestyle a few times.
2. Group flat lessons and/or group poles lessons with NCAS qualified coaches.
Please note - EA members are now welcome to participate in SZ training days, however a discounted fee is applied to DT members.
When: Saturday 15th December, 2018
Where: Tasmanian Equestrian Centre, Equestrian Drive, Lauderdale
All entries via; Nominate
How Much: $25 per test and tell or group lesson for DT members, $35 for non DAT members. A $5 TEC user fee for applies to all riders.
Closing Date: Sunday 9th December
General Enquiries: Tania Hay ([email protected])
If you have technical hitches with Nominate I can talk you through the basics, but Nominate staff know the system backwards and are very helpful, so give them a try if you need help navigating Nominate.
Nominate Contacts:
Phone: 07 3118 9555
E-Mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday, 9am - 4pm Friday