2019 - 2020 Measuring Days
Dear Members
Below are this years measuring dates. Please mark them in your diary. In order to avoid the end of year panic, it is advisable to go to an earlier day where possible in case you can't attend later dates. Unregistered horses can be measured and have their certificates held by the office until registrations are completed. So if you are looking at your newcomer and thinking 'maybe', think about coming along.
At this point these are EA days only.
Measuring Days for 2019/20
Southern measuring at the Tasmanian Equestrian Centre from 9am-10.30am except for the October date.which will be at the Hobart Royal Show.
Saturday 18th May 2019
Saturday 17th Aug 2019
Friday 25th/Saturday 26th Oct 2019 Hobart Royal
Saturday 14th December 2019
Sunday 19th January 2020
EA Horse of the year 25th/26th 2020January venue TBA
Northern measuring at the Launceston show grounds 9am-10.30am except for the Jan date which will be at the Longford showgrounds.
Saturday 25th May 2019
Saturday 17th August 2019
Saturday 19th/Sunday 20th October 2019
Saturday 14th December 2019
Saturday 12th January Longford Showgrounds (RP Show) 830am-10.30am
EA Horse of the year 25th/26th January venueTBA
HOTY Measuring
Measuring will be avaliable at HOTY. However all members that require measuring for Hoty are encouraged to attend the measuring days being prior. Any measuring conducted at HOTY will cost $50.
2 Official EA (state) Measurers will be inattendance at each day.
Andrew McDermott
David Smith
Lauire Smith.
Darryl Bailey
If your are interested in becoming an Official EA measurer and are prepared to undertake the necessary training please contact the office - [email protected] .
Owners: You must take your horse's Certificate of Registration and your CURRENT Competition Licence to the measuring day and the most recent Height Certificate if applicable. The fee for Measuring days will be $15 per Horse. Your horse must be presented in a snaffle bridle.
8.8 Annual Measurement – Horses aged 5 years and over The Annual Measurement is valid for 12 months from the date of measurement. The Measurement is automatically cancelled immediately once a new Measurement is issued. A horse may be re-measured for an Annual Measurement a minimum of nine (9) calendar months after the date of the previous Measurement
8.9 Limited Measurement – Horses aged under 5 years The Limited Measurement is valid for 6 months from the date of measurement. The Measurement is automatically cancelled immediately once a new Measurement is issued