Schedule of Fees

2024 – 2025 Equestrian Tasmania Fee Structure

Membership for the period 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025 is now open. Below are the full year fees.
Pro rata membership open 23 Dec 2024 covering until 30 June 2025. See MYEA Online for these rates.

Thank you for your ongoing support of Equestrian Tasmania (ETAS). Your membership supports the continued improvement of the equestrian sport within Tasmania and the services we offer to our members and sport disciplines. 

Your levies continue to provide you with comprehensive insurance cover. 

Before completing your membership, please take the time to read the following information on our website to ensure you select the right membership category for you.

See for full Membership and Committee By-Laws

Membership of EA is compulsory for all competitors in Official equestrian classes under the jurisdiction of EA at all official shows and events. It is also a recommendation for any member of the community wishing to take riding lessons with an EA coach.

EA Member

Any person who applied for and has been granted membership of the EA and of a Branch, and on behalf of whom the Branch pays the applicable membership fee to the EA and Personal Accident fee to Marsh.

Members, Please Note the ETas Board would like to encourage all members to complete their transactions via the Online Service.

Official Competitors

$310 - Competitor Senior Member: – Over the age of eighteen (18) years. Full Voting rights.

  • Register a Horse and compete in any official class on any Registered horse with a current Competition Licence (renewed annually).

$175 - Competitor Junior Member: - Under the age of eighteen (18) years. No Voting Rights.

  • Register a Horse and compete in any official class on any horse with a Current Performance card/Competition license.

Participant Competitors

$181 - Participant Senior Member: - Over the age of eighteen (18) years. Full Voting rights.

  • May Register a Horse and purchase a Competition Licence and may not compete in official classes. May only compete in classes up to and including Intro Eventing, Show Jumping starter classes under 1.05 m, and Participant Dressage classes below elementary.

$119 - Participant Junior Member: - Under the age of eighteen (18) years. No Voting Rights.

  • May Register a Horse and purchase a Competition Licence but cannot compete in official classes. May only compete in classes up to and including Intro/Prelim Eventing, Show Jumping starter classes, and Associate Dressage classes.

Recreational Members

$115.50 - Senior Recreational Membership:

  • The recreational membership is for those who enjoy riding a horse for pleasure, riding out, or maybe a member of an equestrian club. A Recreational member may have had limited association with Etas in the past and could be a member of an equestrian club that is outside of the seven EA disciplines and could participate at events within the closed club environment.
$89.00 - Junior Recreational Membership:
  • The recreational membership is for those who enjoy riding a horse for pleasure, riding out, or maybe a member of an equestrian club. A Recreational member may have had limited association with Etas in the past and could be a member of an equestrian club that is outside of the seven EA disciplines and could participate at events within the closed club environment.

Supporter Members

$100 - Official Member: - Full Voting rights. Members must be listed on a current EA list.

  • For non-riding officials. This category is subsidised by the Tasmanian State Branch. 

$205 - Horse Owner Member: - Full Voting rights.

  • For non-riding owners contributing to the sport by offering their horse/s to Competitor members.

$220 - EA Coach Member: - Full Voting rights. 

  • For coaches who no longer compete.

$38.50 Volunteer Member: - NO Voting rights. No Personal accident Cover other than when officiating at an EA event. For non-riding volunteers who assist with the running of events or would like to keep up to date with the latest information.

Affiliate Club

$175 - Affiliate: Not-for-profit membership organisation /club operating in one State only that has one of its object horsemanship, and that has applied for and has been granted membership of the EA and of a Branch. 1 (one) General meeting vote.

  • These clubs may conduct EA events using FEI/EA rules, regulations, and judges. Their individual members have access to EA coaches for training.


$126 - Full Horse Registration
Horses are issued with a Life Certificate of Registration. Registration permits horses participation in equestrian competitive activities. Certificates are now available digitally via the MYEA App.

$50 - Base Horse Registration
lifetime registration for horses not actively competing in competitive equestrian activities (except for jumping, from 1 Jan 2024 all horse jumping is open competitions under 1.04m require a minimum of base horse registration), for owners who would like horse registrations for the purpose of bio security or securing a name. Certificates are now available digitally via the MYEA App

$38.50 - Competition/Interschool Licenses:
Licenses (Formally known as performance cards) - are renewed annually for each horse. Owners should check the web to ensure competition results and allocated points/qualifications are correct. Buy 3 at the same time for the price if 1.

$27.50 - Change of Horse Details
If incorrect information was supplied at the time of Registration - This applies after 1 month from the Registration date.

$68.50 - Horse Transfer:
Transfer of owners can be completed by logging into the member MYEA Portal and following the instructions under horse, Transfer.

$68.50 -  Lease Notification of Registered Horse

$192.50 - Horse Name Change